Note: As of 8/9/02, Weblogg-Ed has moved to Please update your links!

"The survivors will not be defined by the lives they have led until now but by the lives that they will lead from now on." --Michael Berenbaum

"Blogs are the biggest mass writing experiment ever undertaken." --J. Lawless

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Other Will Weblogs
Web Page Class
Journalism 1
Journalism 2
Journalism 1 Class Weblog
Journalism 2 Class Weblog
Media Literacy
Yearbook Blog (dead)
Nerdy Books
Student weblogs

Featured Posts:
Weblogs as Research (journalism discussion)
Basic uses
Sarah's Ideas
Portfolio Idea (J)

11/01/2001 - 12/01/2001 12/01/2001 - 01/01/2002 01/01/2002 - 02/01/2002 02/01/2002 - 03/01/2002 03/01/2002 - 04/01/2002 04/01/2002 - 05/01/2002 05/01/2002 - 06/01/2002 06/01/2002 - 07/01/2002 07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002 08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002

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My Final Blogger Post...

From this point on, you can find my ramblings on weblogs in ed at The bumpy switch over to Manila is complete, and so this will most likely be my last post to this Blogger site. Sniff. It served me well.

  posted by Will Richardson 10:41 AM   Link

Friday, August 09, 2002  

Greetings from Middlebury

Some brief observations on my great visit to Middlebury:

The CET setup is very cool, and the whole place has a lot of energy. They are doing some interesting things beyond mere old weblogs that really push the envelope of the new technologies. Sounded and felt like a very neat place to be right now.

I was really impressed by the commitment that the school is making to weblogs. Ten teachers will be using weblogs next year including Eric Davis, who is the Secretary of the College and a real weblog proponent. His weblog/course on September 11 is definitely a "Best Practice". And Barbara seemed amazed by how the weblogs changed her Writing Across the Arts class. (BTW, I really liked the way she used the home page to reflect on her own experiences in the class.) And Hector shared a lot of his ideas about how to integrate and expand the role of weblogs. They and Sarah  (who went above and beyond in arranging and organizing my time there) helped to really confirm what I've been thinking about all of this, and in a large way to validate the time and effort I'm spending. (I can't wait for the day when I have some weblogging colleagues to share my enthusiasm with down here!)

At any rate, it was a great experience, and I think it's time we start talking seriously about getting a "Blogvention" together somewhere. There is nothing like meeting and talking and sharing ideas (although weblogs come a close second!)

  posted by Will Richardson 6:16 PM   Link

Thursday, August 08, 2002  

Just an idea...

As I was laying awake before dawn this morning listening to the Vermont rain pound on the roof of our tent, I had this crazy vision of using rss feeds to create a separate site where all the teacher portfolio entires were collected, or all the class entries by students were automatically posted. I need to ask Sarah tomorrow more about the rss-ability of these sites and how that all works. That would just be another cool way to sell this, as a way to offer one-stop shopping for teachers or supervisors or whatever.

  posted by Will Richardson 6:15 PM   Link

Paul Allison's summer reading journal

An interesting model of what can be done with reading weblogs...we just discussed reading schedule for the new book in the Lit class and I have the vision of the kids keeping reading journals like this online. I have eight in-class support kids first quarter, so it will be interesting to see at what level they have access and to what level they adopt the idea. I'm thinking that for some of them it might be a cool kind of jolt...publishing, getting some response. Might be a motivator for them.

Of course, if all the kids had their reading logs online, what would prevent all of them from just reading each other's and stealing ideas? (They would do that???) I'm such a cynic...

A couple more peaceful days left in Bellows Falls, then on to Middlebury to meet Sarah and friends; home Wednesday.

  posted by Will Richardson 6:15 PM   Link

I-search via Pat.

Don't think that I had this piece of Pat's I-search linked before. This is a great example of weblogs at work in schools and in the classroom.

  posted by Will Richardson 6:14 PM   Link

Some parameters for online discussions

"Given that the entire class is involved in a discussion, all ability levels are working together. The most able students have a chance to share their knowledge and talk to each other while less able students are able to read these ideas and formulate their own ideas based on the additional wisdom of others. The level of performance for all students, not just the less able, will rise due to influence from more capable peers." More here.

  posted by Will Richardson 6:13 PM   Link

Manila Template Configuration

Found this comment from David about templates:

"Any site can be turned into a theme. Also a programmer with server access could write a newsite callback that set these configuration preferences."

If I'm reading that correctly, it sounds like I can do what I want to...set the configurations beforehand. Now I'm wondering if I can set up departments and the e-z edit buttons on the nav bar beforehand too.

  posted by Will Richardson 5:32 AM   Link

Thursday, August 01, 2002  

Weblog Resources:
Weblogs Compendium*
Weblogs for Educators
Chris Lehmann
History of Weblogs
Pitas (Blog Host)
Weblog Power
Pitas (Blog Host)
Moveable Type(Blog Host)
Weblogs as News
GreyMatter (Blog Host)
Weblogger(Blog Host)
Xanga(Blog Host)
Weblog Articles
Swiss Army Website
Weblog Awards
Weblog Madness
Targeted Serendipity

Weblogs I Read:
k-12 blogWrite
Pat Delaney
Sarah Lohnes
Joe Luft
Sebastian Fiedler
Seb's SOL Project
Terry ElLiot
David Walker
Greg Hanek
Ray Schroeder
Brian Fitzgerald
Chris Ashley
Stephen Downes
Lloyd Nebres
Peter Ford
Rebecca's Pocket
Media Minded
Josh Marshall
Keep Trying
J.D. Lasica
Poynter Media Blog
News Trolls
Mark Bernstein
Jay Cross

Weblogs in Schools/Best Practices:
Delano High School
Karen McComas
Barbara Ganley
Student Weblogs
Lincoln Pub. Schools
Beacon School
Brit. Sch. of Amst.
Adv. Int. Class.
Coop. Reading Proj.
Kern County
Lloyd Nebres
SFEd Access
Centenary (La.)
I-Search (Pat)
Richard Stockton C
Emerson College
U. of Iowa
New School
Redwood City Library
Teachers LiveJournal
Internet Journalism
Esperero Canyon
Dan Mitchell

Disaster Weblogs
Dan Bricklin
Weblogs & News
Blogging as J
Media Weblogs
Glenn Fleischman
E&P Weblog Bandwagon
Journal. Pivot Points
Medill Sch. of J.
Weblogs & News

Online Discussions
Online Classroom
Weblogs as Community


Manila Related:
My Caxton Manila
Pat's Newspaper
Manila Home
Pat on Discussions
U. of S. Aust.
Hector's Tutorial
Bryan Bell
Ken Dow
RSC Space
Lincoln Tutorials

©2001/2 Will Richardson